delphi epsilon 06

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I tried, i reali did...

I tried to forget him. i tried. i dun reply his sms.. i tried not seeing him. but my heart misses him. i wish i will get into an accident and lose my memory and forget him. but this wun happen. i kept telling myself that me and him are over and that i muz move on, but i juz cant.

daryl. i think we started off wrongly. at 1st i didnt wanan accept you cuz it's not right to do so as there's sum1 else still in my heart. but your confidence and sincerity touched me deeply so i decided to let u help me forget him. but then... i reali think it's not going to work. how can u help me when i cant forget him? i know that by saying all these i will hurt you... and it hurts me to see u suffer. but i have to let you know.. i dun wanan cheat on you.

yesh he wasnt a perfect stead... but he does protect me sumtimes.. he is my best partner in pool, in bball.. in love.. i know i gave him too much chances.. but i juz cant bear to let him go. i kept telling him that i already gave up on him, but then , i relai wish that sumday he will juz be strong and be firm about wanting to be with me.. i'm not waiting.. but that's my little secret wish...

u know all that you've done for me.... and its making me feel so stupid.. u're righ.. why the hell did i fel for him but not you? yesh you're so much better.. caring, sweet, strong, considerate... and then he, on the other hand is not as good.. but why?

i guess my brain and my heart no longer work toegether... i lost my mind over him.. and my heart is sumwhere else... this torturing feeling has made me lose concentration in wadever i do.. i feel that i've let you down...

is there anything else we can do?

shattered =/


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