delphi epsilon 06

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

sushi day ahahx.

sorry guys!! i keep taking the RED PLATES ahahx.. then u all gotta pay so much wahahx.
jierong muz be cursing me now rite? whaaax. sorrry la. next time treat u guys ICE CREAM KK? ahahx. =P u all so nice la.. let me vent all my anger... let me cry out all my sadness.. thnks jielun.. for brightening my day by being realli COLD. and i reali mean COLD lol.ahahx. aand daryl.. thanks for letiing me vent it all out on u.. and that u pei me study everyday.. u muz study hard kk? sam ah!! u also ,muz study... dun alwyas go out with my sister!! wwhahx. al the best peeps... i shall blog sth PERSONAL later whahx.


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