delphi epsilon 06

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

he. she. wad abt me?

ahhax. theres no me. no me, in his mind. no me, in their world.

he msged me to scold me cuz of all the things i felt abt her..

i dun mean wad i say abt her de lo. i dun mean it when i say shes nt pretty, i dun even mean it when i say hes blind. i know love happens and changes all the time.. but i say those.. becuse deep inside me, im hurt...

i am a bitch, when i have to be one. cuz only by being a bitch, i can hide that sadness, substain my sorrows.. make my unhappiness go away. its a self-comforting method.

ahahx. can u guys imagine? seeing the guy u once loved so so so god damn freaking much... sheilding sum other crappy gurl? *look, i dun mean shes nt good.. im juz sad...* so hard to get over all these la..

i wanna tell him i dun mean the thigns i said... that wld have hurt them both, or strained their relation.. but hw can i? in front of him i gotta be hard and mean... cuz i dun wan him to know i've turned so weak... every night i pray..." god, can u make me stronger? i wanna live my life on without him" when will i, realli, ever, be strong?

in this lifetime, he'll nv be able to pay me back the love i gave him, or the time and feelings i commited. but even so, i dun expect him to pay back even a tiny bit. nt becuse i am trying to be noble, but becuse, i know i reali loved him deeply b4. it neutralises everything out.

even though i was seriously, deeply, madly, injured, hurted, i still wanna apologise to him..
here goes. IM SORRY. that, if i, in anyway, caused unhappiness in him and that gurl. hmm. i honestly wish them, happiness, and all the best in all they do.

haha, hey, dun misunderstand k? so wad if i dun love him anymore? i get emotional at times too wad... ahhax...

im nt realli a bitch u noe. aahhax. to all the other loving couples out there, LOVE ON =) nv give up on love.


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