delphi epsilon 06

Thursday, April 27, 2006

right the wrong bahx

It was wrong to start la.. see.. i told you we cant be toegethr de.. no there was no way to stop u from insisting being together.. u were so sweet and nice.. and everything nice.. and i was so soft hearted. hmm. its time to right the wrong.

daryl, u muz undertsand that we dun have to be toegethr for u to love me. u can love me even if we are not toegether. why muz u insist that we're together then let feeligns develope? we can do this even as firneds wad...

when i told you that being with u is miserable because i dun feel for u, ur reply was" even if u dun be with me u'll still be miserable cuz u think of him" wad the..... wad kinda argument is this... im so upset.

i duno wad to say... u wanted more time.. ok .. i shall give u slightly more time.. but pls.. if i reali cant, then i cant. i dun wnaan force anything. i dun reali have to forget him wad. i dun have to force anything.. isnt it?

u said, as long as im happi.. remmeber? besides, being toegether doesnt mean anything u noe... becuse there's no complete love...


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